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Seborrhoeic Keratosis

Consultation Free

15 Minutes £90

30 Minutes £140

Seborrhoeic Keratosis are non-contagious warts.

They are found on the temples, sides of face and upper body.

They present as raised and appear frequently as several lesions on covered body sites and are also quite common on the face in older people.

They are usually brown due to the presence of melanin and so can be mistaken for moles to the untrained eye.

The dry, scaly, crusty appearance often with a cleft surface and a superficial ‘bran flake’ appearance are helpful identification points.

They can be tiny or large even up to two inches across and can be removed effectively with advanced electrolysis.


This type of wart is commonly inherited, however, evidence suggests they are also caused by aging, sun damage, pregnancy or following oestrogen replacement therapy (HRT).

Results from ACP

Immediate removal, however, there may be a slight hyper pigmented (darker) lesion at the site during the healing process. Full healing will take 4-8 weeks on average.

How many treatments?

Most people will need only one treatment.

Please be aware GP approval must be sought prior to treatment.